Government Affairs
Our Government Affairs team engages with lawmakers, government agencies and trade associations around the world. Supported by PPG colleagues from each region, our government affairs team represents the company before local, state, federal and international elected leaders and government agencies to encourage public policy and regulations that promote a fair and competitive business climate. Our Government Affairs team represents all PPG entities in governmental processes and serves as an authorized representative of PPG in the public policy arena.
PPG ensures compliance with all federal lobbying and political disclosure and reporting requirements. PPG does not make independent political expenditures.
At PPG, we hold ourselves to a very high standard of integrity and professional conduct. Our team knows, understands and fully abides by our staunch commitment to strong corporate governance, ethics and compliance. For additional information, please consult PPG’s Global Code of Ethics.
Our Team

Emily Elizer

Kevin Baird
Government Affairs builds effective relationships with and educates elected officials about PPG’s legislative and regulatory priorities on issues including energy and the environment, transportation and infrastructure, regulatory reform, taxes, technology and trade. GA works to advance pro-manufacturing policies including, but not limited to:
- Competitive Business Climate: Our team educates elected officials and other leaders on the impact of the current business tax structure. When necessary, we also provide recommendations for improvements that help our company to continue to grow and invest.
- Science-based regulatory environment: At all levels of government, our team works closely with elected leaders, trade associations and the appropriate government agencies to ensure regulators and legislators put forth regulations based on sound science and clear and current data. It is critical that regulations be achievable through the best available control technologies. In an ever-advancing technological environment, our team strives to protect PPG’s assets from harmful regulations that are not based on science.
- Level playing field: Our team encourages elected leaders to support policies that promote fair trade practices at all levels.
- Robust transportation and infrastructure network: Our team advocates for reliable transportation and infrastructure networks around the world. Ensuring that infrastructure is dependable, efficient and safe is a top priority.
- Sustainability: We are committed to driving sustainability throughout our entire value chain to preserve and protect the environment in which we operate. Our team engages policy makers and maintains dialogues to ensure the prioritization of sustainable business practices.
- Corporate Social Responsibility: One of PPG’s greatest strengths is the diversity of our people, who represent a variety of nationalities, cultures, languages, religions, ethnicities, lifestyles and professional and educational backgrounds. PPG collaborates with decision-makers to address key areas such as racism, discrimination, equality and justice in the corporate environment.
To learn more about our Government Affairs team or about opportunities to engage on issues that are important to our company, contact Emily Elizer (