Classroom Color Research

kids painting PPG colorful Communities banner

Data reveals the transformative power of paint in learning environments

In 2015, our signature COLORFUL COMMUNITIES® program launched its initial project by transforming a school with both fresh colors and energy. As a leading color authority, we have a deep understanding of the positive impact that color can have on a space, and its potential to impact moods and behavior. On the day of our very first Colorful Communities project and at dozens of projects since, we have witnessed the power of color and paint in spaces for students to learn and grow. 

Student engagement and their curiosity, interest in and passion for learning has been linked to a variety of positive academic outcomes. Our focus on investing in positive educational outcomes paired with our color expertise, led us to explore how classroom environments can play a role in impacting engagement.

In current times, we know that the environment for education is like none other.  As school districts, educators and families navigate how to provide a valuable education experience via classroom, virtual learning methods, or a combination of both, safety is the primary concern. Our path to discover the impacts of color in classroom aligns with the sentiments of many teachers and parents, who must prepare learning environments to encourage a calm, focused and positive experience for students, in the classroom and at home. See a recent blog post from our research partner, RAND Corporation on this very topic.

Read on for more on our findings.

student smiling and leaning on school work


Painting classrooms with colors specifically intended to enhance learning can improve both students’ and teachers’ experiences in the classroom and increase their feelings of engagement in learning.

That is the key finding of a new study funded by PPG and conducted in partnership with Campos and RAND Corporation. The research focused on measuring students’ and teachers’ attitudes and engagement in three school districts in the U.S., before and after classrooms were painted, guided by a PPG color and design expert.

Color Research Infographic detail


  • Students believed the new paint colors made them happier and helped them to learn
  • Teachers noticed that students were calmer, more focused, and more engaged
  • In newly painted classrooms, teachers felt more energetic and empowered
  • Students and teachers in control classrooms that were not painted had essentially little to no change across attitudes and engagement
  • These insights can provide educators, administrators, and parents with greater insight into how paint color can create conditions that enhance student learning
Students excited to enter transformed classroom in Vietnam


In educational settings, color can transform spaces for students to learn and grow. In their local communities, our employee volunteers have completed vibrant school renovations, using research-based colors and PPG color expertise to help students thrive.

Classroom survey


Research funded by PPG in 2017-18 found that classroom design and color can contribute to improved student engagement, though resources are scarce to invest in these classroom improvements. These findings were the result of a survey reaching 900+ teachers, parents, and school administrators from across the U.S.

Interested in learning more about PPG’s research on color in the classroom? Access our full report and more information by contacting