COLORFUL COMMUNITIES projects brighten the lives of students in Latin America

Published : 15-Feb-2020

PPG employees and contractors in Uruguay and Brazil recently transformed three schools and learning environments with brightness and color through COLORFUL COMMUNITIES® projects.

Completing the first-ever Colorful Communities project in Uruguay, 25 PPG and community volunteers revitalized Rincón de Todos, an organization that offers learning and psychological support and recreational activities for nearly 30 children and teenagers from families in need.

Rincón de Todos offers the students, who are often socially vulnerable, a safe environment for after school activities. As the students arrive at the facility, they are now greeted by cheerful, lively colors to enhance to their engagement, learning and excitement.

In Brazil, a group of professional painters applied hundreds of paint gallons to classrooms, sports courts, corridors and more at the Barbosa School in Gravataí and the Ananias School, in São José dos Pinhais.

According to Camila Gazotto, the brightness created by these Colorful Communities projects is needed now more than ever.

“We are thrilled to be safely making an impact in our communities and providing an outlet of joy for students,” said Gazotto. “Even in the toughest times, color enhances engagement and provides hope and comfort.”

Colorful Communities projects have resumed in some parts of the world when it’s possible to safely do so. Each project adheres to all PPG health and safety protocols, and follows local guidelines to ensure safety.

To learn more about PPG’s Colorful Communities program and how our employees are beautifying and revitalizing communities around the world, click here.