Elizabeth Jankowski, 2018 NMSC Scholarship Recipient

Application Process

Q: Why did you choose to apply for the National Merit Scholarship program through PPG?
A: During my college application process, I began searching for scholarships where the primary criterion was academic performance. As a Division III athlete, I was not eligible for any athletic scholarships.

Q: How did you learn about the PPG Foundation scholarship program?
A: Although I conducted my own searches for academic scholarships, this scholarship was brought to my attention from my dad, who works for PPG in the Pittsburgh office.

Q: If you could change one things you did during the application process, what would it be and why?
A: The application process was straightforward; there is nothing about it that I would change.

Q: What advice do you have for future students who are applying?
A: For future students applying, I would make sure that you start the application process early, calendar all deadlines and leave a sufficient amount of time to respond. Answer essay questions in a way that is both accurate and compelling. Writing a compelling essay requires both time and practice.

About You

Q: Tell us the college you attended/are attending, the degree(s) you earned/are earning and your major(s).
A: I attend Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. Within the Tepper School of Business, I am majoring in Business Administration with concentrations in Finance and Accounting. I am also pursuing a minor in Hispanic Studies.

Q: Please describe any internships or co‐ops that enriched your college experience. How have these opportunities affected you/your career plans?
A: With the onset of COVID-19, I did not have the opportunity to participate in an internship. Instead, I applied for and was accepted into a summer program at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy where I studied International Business Strategy. I was fortunate that Bocconi University had the resources to offer an online program. In my class, we learned about internationalization by using academic theories and case studies. Besides the academic experience, I also had the opportunity to learn about my classmates’ different cultures. In this forty-person course, I was the only student from the United States.  This experience allowed me to gain new perspectives about how people view businesses and the benefits and difficulties that can arise with different cultures working together.

Q: Now that you have graduated/are graduating soon, what are your plans for the immediate future?
A: My immediate plan is to interview with public accounting and financial institutions for Summer 2021 internships so upon graduation, I am ready to begin professional employment.

Q: What led you to your selected field of study? What impact do you hope to have in your field?
A: I originally began as a biology major with the goal of being able to directly impact the people around me. While the science classes contained problem-solving and quantitative techniques, it became clear that Carnegie Mellon’s biology program prioritizes research-based careers. However, I knew I was much better suited to a career outside the confines of a laboratory. Given my leadership skills, competitive nature and quantitative reasoning skills, I concluded that transferring into the Tepper School of Business best suited my strengths. Given that women continue to be underrepresented at the highest levels of business and in Board rooms, I hope that my generation will be the one to bring meaningful change in this arena.

Q: How did receiving this scholarship through the PPG Foundation assist/enhance/impact your college experience?
A: Receiving the scholarship through the PPG Foundation has provided me with the funds to pursue experiences such as my most recent summer program at Bocconi University. 

Q: Did you have the opportunity to meet with someone from PPG upon receiving the award? Did this have an influence on your chosen field of study?
A: After receiving this award, I attended the PPG luncheon that honored all the Pittsburgh based recipients. However, the person who has most influenced my career path is my father. He encouraged me to research different aspects of business and to identify where my strengths were best suited. I am obtaining a great academic foundation at Carnegie Mellon, but equally important I am able to discuss with my dad practical applications of my course curriculum to real world business and finance situations.

Q: What did this scholarship mean to you? Did it lead to any special opportunities?
A: Being awarded this scholarship helped reward me for, and reinforced the importance of, all the hard work I put in during. high school.  Also, it helped me realize that I have the potential to become successful in the business-world. While I was a strong student in my classes and extracurricular activities, this scholarship showed me that I was just as competitive in a much larger pool of qualified candidates.

Q: What advice do you have for future students competing in this scholarship program (related to either the scholarship process or the general college experience)?
A: Appreciate that hard work and time management are critically important. Without them, you will not obtain the best results-- whether in or out of the classroom. Give serious thought about what careers interest you; do not choose a college major based on the subjects that you liked in high school. Recognize that the high school curriculum is narrow compared to the college curriculum. Choose a major that gives you flexibility; be open to change.