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User Guides and Manuals
User Guides and Manuals
Custom Restoration Guide
Developed by PPG Refinish with you in mind. No matter what vehicle or vehicle substrate you are working on, this guide outlines PPG's recommended process for successfully surface prepping and painting your project.
Identifying Common Paint Defects
Use this guide on identifying and solving the most common paint defects to help you recognize and resolve common paint issues that you may be experiencing.
Matte Finish Care Guide
To maintain your vehicle's low-gloss appearance for years to come, please refer to these maintenance recommendations.
OEM Color Code Locations Guide
Need help finding the manufacturer paint code for a vehicle? Use this OEM Color Code Locations guide as a quick reference for locating the paint code on Domestic and Import vehicles.
PPG Health and Safety Manual
The PPG Health and Safety Manual outlines important information for visiting PPG facilities and covers proper handling procedures for using PPG products.
Basic Refinishing Assumptions Guide
PPG Industries Automotive Refinish group makes these assumptions based on accepted industry practices, our knowledge, past experience and feedback from our employees and customers.
Delfleet One - How To Spray
A brief overview of recommended spray gun settings and basic application procedures for basecoat, direct gloss and matte finishes.
Delfleet One - Blend Repair Procedures
Demonstrates blend repair techniques for metallic, pearl and solid color finishes, including instruction on the two gun cup approach for creating a wet bed or applying a blending clear to create a smooth transition to the original finish.
Delfleet One - Color Formula Lookup - PaintManager® Software
A step-by-step look at how to identify the right color formula, incorporating use of the Delfleet One® Color Selector.
Delfleet One - Color Formula Lookup - PaintManager® XI Software
A step-by-step look at how to identify the right color formula, incorporating use of the Delfleet One® Color Selector and the new PaintManager® XI Software.
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