PD-0632: Creating Sprayout Card

A sprayout card can be a helpful tool when trying to achieve a blendable color match. This standard operating procedure (SOP) covers the steps required when creating a sprayout card. Before beginning any repair, it is important to always wear the recommended safety protection required for the job.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Apply basecoat color over the recommended undercoat gray primer-sealer or ARMC 464 multiple gray, metal, or paper spray out card (ARMCXXX) gray, determined by the color code.
  2. Use the same spray equipment and technique as if spraying the vehicle. Hand-holding a spray out card may cause color differences unless the same distance and technique are utilized.
  3. Apply and record the total amount of color coats until perceived opacity is achieved. Dry basecoat thoroughly between each coat.
  4. WATERBORNE: For sparkle technology containing basecoats, apply a Control Coat on one-half of the spray out card. Depending on the vehicle color, a Control Coat may or may not be necessary. Solid colors do not require a control coat. Performing a spray out card in this manner will verify color correctness.
  5. To properly evaluate a color, all basecoat layers should be allowed to dry thoroughly before applying two coats of clearcoat.
  6. Once dry, the spray out card should be evaluated in natural sunlight, preferably between 10 AM and 2 PM. Color corrective light sources are an accepted method, yet not preferred over natural sunlight. Checking color in shaded areas is as important as lighted areas.
  7. It is best practice for solid colors to be allowed 2 to 4 hours of dry time before a final decision of the spray out card. It is best practice for Tri-coat colors to be allowed 8 plus hours, if possible, before a final decision of a spray out card. Refer to PD-0660 TRI-COAT LET DOWN PANEL.
  8. Spray out cards should be evaluated in three viewing angles of Face, Flash, and Flop. The face and flop angles are the two most important angles to view!
  9. File the spray out card in a DOX 446 spray out card binder or other suitable filing system for future reference.