Mix Ratios Matter
When comparing prices of paint brands, it's always important to consider the additional components needed, such as catalyst or reducer, that make it ready to spray (RTS). Comparing only can-to-can prices can be deceiving. Some products may appear to cost less on the surface, but the actual RTS cost may be greater because of the product's mix ratio.
Take a look at the following example (assume reducer prices are similar):
Brand | Price per pint of color | Mix ratio | How much product is needed to make an RTS quart? | RTS shop quart | OR 1 pint of color makes ____ or RTS color |
PPG | 42.00 | 1:1 | 16 oz | 49.00 | 32 oz |
Competitor | 36.00 | 2:1 | 21 oz | 53.00 | 24 oz |
Remember, you can’t spray paint out of the can. When comparing paint costs, you should always consider the ready to spray cost. Mix ratios matter and play an important role in understanding these costs. Keep this in mind when comparing prices of all products, not just color.