Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Female employee wearing PPE working within PPG laboratory

A diverse workforce and an inclusive culture are fundamental for promoting employee wellbeing and strong company performance.

Our DE&I Vision Statement

At PPG, we aim to champion all employees, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, physical and mental disability, military or veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and/or other diverse backgrounds; empowering them to show up as their authentic selves. We know that diverse teams perform better - period. Providing equitable experiences for our people results in better engagement, increased business performance and more opportunities for all. In partnership with our employee resource networks, we will continue to elevate and celebrate underrepresented communities. We will do so with a spirit of humility, authenticity and vulnerability. We may not always get it right, but we aim to do better today than yesterday – every day.

people managers and employees participated in learning programs related to allyship, inclusion, DE&I-focused hiring practices, and more since 2020
global participants in Employee Resource Network (ERN) events
representation of non-frontline, global female professionals

One of PPG's greatest strengths is the diversity of our people. Simply put – diverse teams perform better. We consistently seek out new ways to amplify the voices of underrepresented employees and help all of our people bring their best selves to work.

Representation of non-frontline, global female professionals

Increase in non-frontline U.S. headcount for Black professionals

Increase in non-frontline U.S. headcount for Latino professionals

Increase in non-frontline U.S. headcount for Asian professionals

Global employee resource network and DE&I capability-building participation

In 2023, we continued to cultivate a sense of belonging for all of our employees. Our dedicated DE&I team works in collaboration with our HR and business professionals to empower PPG people to make a difference, both in their careers and in representing their unique identities. In addition to the internal work to increase headcount of underrepresented groups and execute DE&I capability building programming, we have committed to advance racial equity in the U.S. by funding educational pathways for Black communities and people of color. Learn more about our funding commitment and progress to date in the community engagement section.

Listen & Learn sessions

We continued creating a culture of dignity, respect, empathy and understanding with one of our flagship programs, DE&I Listen & Learn sessions. These sessions are hosted by senior leaders who share personal anecdotes and perspectives on a variety of DE&I topics, and offer an outlet for employees to ask questions and share their lived experiences. The goal of the program is to foster a safe forum for conversations around inclusion. We held a total of 35 DE&I Listen & Learn sessions in 2023, with more than 2,100 PPG employees joining at least one session since 2021.

DE&I learning journeys

In 2023, PPG launched DE&I learning journeys through our learning management system. Learning journeys are detailed training programs, available to everyone at PPG, which help build DE&I capabilities across the company. The training programs cover topics such as inclusion, allyship and belonging.

For more information about how we approach diversity, equity and inclusion, see below.

Deborah Liu CEO of Ancestry.com taking part in online call

Lunar New Year and International Women's Day

Last year, our Asian Employee Network (AEN) and Women's Leadership Network (WLN) collaborated to organize a digital 'fireside chat' to celebrate the Lunar New Year and International Women's Day. More than 1,100 PPG employees tuned in for an in-depth conversation with Deborah Liu, CEO of Ancestry.com and author of "Take Back Your Power: 10 New Rules for Women at Work."

The AEN and WLN provided each of their members with a copy of Liu’s book prior to the chat, stimulating questions and discussions on topics including advice on promotions, dealing with parental guilt, finding balance and leading a team. During the event, Liu shared impactful insights on leadership, overcoming obstacles and the lessons she learned through her career as a woman of color in Silicon Valley.

Cross-ERN events like this provide PPG people with opportunities to build connections across groups, learn from colleagues with different backgrounds or experiences and embrace a wide range of perspectives.

Employee Resource Networks

PPG's Employee Resource Networks (ERNs) act as a catalyst for our diverse employees across the world to realize their full potential. The ERNs empower employees to shape their careers, strengthen their communities, and positively impact PPG's business strategies – all while celebrating their diverse culture, background and experiences. The eight ERNs operate in more than 60 countries and had more than 8,538 members in 2023.

Highlights from the past year are included below.

The Black Employee Network (BEN) works to enhance the personal and professional development of Black employees, represent PPG through community outreach and serve as a key resource in driving business growth for the company. In addition to events recognizing Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Black History Month, last year BEN chapters across the United States volunteered to read Dr. Bernice King’s book "It Starts With Me" at local elementary schools. The network donated a total of 500 books to U.S. students. In an effort to foster a more inclusive and culturally aware workplace, BEN leadership also engaged employees at key sites in a meaningful exploration of African American and Black culture, reaching over 1,000 people. The program, designed to be both informative and interactive, included a series of workshops, guest speaker sessions and cultural events.

The Young Professional Network (YPN), recently renamed to the Cross-Generational Network (xGEN), aims to create connections across each generation, forge stronger and more collaborative working relationships and leverage unique perspectives to innovate and energize our work environment. Our goal is to use the collective wisdom of all generations to create a positive impact on our organization, our community and the world. In 2023, the YPN championed Career Development Month and celebrated International Friendship Day, spotlighting the importance of workplace connections and coaching employees to learn new skills to achieve personal goals, including career progression. Through global webcasts and other experiences, YPN brought forward over 1,400 employees to foster a connection-centric workplace culture that promotes productivity and camaraderie across diverse backgrounds and ages.

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) Network works to create an environment that recognizes and supports LGBTQ+ employees, assists in PPG's efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, and helps identify best practices in a variety of areas affecting LGBTQ+ team members. In 2023, the ERN celebrated key milestones, including bringing more than 1,100 employees together to celebrate PRIDE, Transgender Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Remembrance. Guest speakers included Dame Inga Beale, who discussed how to create an inclusive workplace and the importance of LGBTQ+ representation in corporate settings. The ERN also held an event in partnership with Dow Chemical, that gave attendees the opportunity to learn how to best support transgender employees and learn about their lived experiences. The events and ongoing discussions helped unpack misconceptions, educate and ensure the community feels supported within PPG and beyond.

The Latino Employee Network (LEN) spearheads initiatives to celebrate and share Latino culture and help break down obstacles faced by the community. In 2023, the network celebrated Spanish Language Day (Dia É) by providing resources and encouraging participation in discussions and activities to highlight multilingualism and cultural diversity. Nearly forty employees took advantage of LEN's Spanish Language program, complete with resources and Spanish speaking mentors to help those interested in improving their language skills. Throughout the year, the ERN held events with guest speakers that included Dr. Robert Rodriguez, President of DRR Advisors, Melanie Healey, PPG board member and Marvin Mendoza, global head DE&I, reaching more than 800 employees. These events covered topics such as the current state of Latino leadership and the Latino workforce, stories of leadership as a Latino and how to foster a more inclusive workplace environment at PPG.

The Abilities First Employee (AFN) Resource Network provides individuals with disabilities with opportunities to fully utilize their self-determination by providing an inclusive environment, experience and educational platform enabling all to meet their unique and full potential. In 2023, the AFN hit a milestone of over 1,100 members, the first of our newest ERNs to reach this accomplishment. The network highlighted Global Accessibility Awareness Day as one of their flagship events to raise awareness around accessibility and educate employees on how to create a more inclusive environment at work. Members of Microsoft’s accessibility team joined the global webcast to provide a live demonstration of the variety of digital accessibility features within Microsoft Office, Outlook and Teams, as well as give an overview of common accessibility issues to look out for, such as low contrast text, empty links or missing image alt text.

The Women's Leadership Network (WLN) fosters an appreciation of the value of women in the workplace and creates an inclusive work environment that attracts, retains and advances women. In 2023, WLN successfully curated a series of enriching experiences that celebrated the role of women in our workplace, reaching an audience of over 3,700 employees. These events honored the achievements of women and fostered a supportive community that uplifts and inspires members. The WLN also celebrated Women's Health Month, dedicated to promoting physical, mental and emotional wellbeing among women. The month featured discussion groups, webinars and tribute trees to raise awareness for breast cancer.

The Asian Employee Network (AEN) works to connect Asian employees across the globe, inspire Asian and Asian-descent employees to share their unique heritages, educate non-Asian employees, help employees grow and give back to those in need. In 2023, AEN crafted enriching membership experiences that celebrated Asian culture and the insights of PPG's senior Asian leaders, alongside notable guest speakers, like Cecilia Lui, founder of ILIA Connect, and Bernice Chao, co-author of The Visibility Mindset, who shared their experiences and strategies for the Asian American community and allies on overcoming barriers and finding success in global workplaces. These events captivated over 2,400 employees, highlighting the vibrancy of Asian heritage and the influence of leaders within the industry.

The Veterans Employee Network (VERN) aims to provide veterans with support and networking opportunities, such as mentoring, community outreach, career development and cultural awareness activities. PPG's veterans appeared on Military Makeover with Montel, highlighting PPG's commitment to active military personnel globally, with the feature being viewed over 83,000 times. In addition, PPG honored veterans in the community by sharing their stories as part of a global webcast as well as collecting donations for veterans in key PPG locations.

Data highlights

We track performance and progress against PPG's DE&I strategy using a data-driven approach. Our actions work toward achieving a comprehensive set of aspirational goals, and we continue to evolve to address gaps and capture emerging opportunities. This data does not include all employees who joined our company through recent acquisitions. Numbers may vary in past and future reports as we continue to integrate new employees into our human resource systems and as employees continue to provide or update their self identification status.

U.S. EEO-1 Reporting

While we do not use the Federal Employer Information Report EEO-1 to guide our progress, our 2022 U.S. EEO-1 report is available.

2023 U.S. Employee Race and Ethnicity Representation


Total may not equal the sum due to rounding. "Other" category includes employees who are two or more races, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander and Native American or Native Alaskan, as well as employees who did not self-identify their race. Frontline and select support employees encompass a wide range of critical operational roles. These include plant and manufacturing employees, store employees, custodial employees, clerks, assistants, customer service representatives, electricians, technicians, drivers, color matchers, among others. Non-frontline employees cover a variety of roles, including chemists, engineers, corporate function employees, managers, directors, executives, among others. Management team comprises employees who are vice presidents and above.

2023 Total Global Gender Representation

As of December 31, 2023

Total may not equal the sum due to rounding.

2023 U.S. Non-Frontline Black, Latino and Asian Employee Headcount Changes

As of December 31, 2023 compared to prior year

2023 Total Global Generational Overview

As of December 31, 2023