Environmental Overview

Roof top covered in solar panels

We are committed to using resources efficiently and minimizing environmental impacts throughout our value chain.

Target (all targets are by 2030 with a 2019 baseline, unless otherwise noted)2023 progress
25% reduction in waste intensity7% increase in waste intensity
Drive to 100% process waste to reuse, recycle and recovery45% process waste to reuse, recycle and recovery
5% annual improvement in spills and release rate at our facilities21% increase in spills and release rate
15% reduction in water intensity at priority sites in water stressed communities13% reduction in water intensity at priority sites
50% reduction in GHG emissions from our own operations (scope 1 and 2 emissions), validated by SBTi and aligned with the emissions reductions required for a 1.5 degrees C future10% reduction in GHG emissions from our own operations (scope 1 and 2 emissions)
30% reduction in GHG emissions in our value chain (scope 3 emissions), validated by SBTi and aligned with the emissions reductions required for a well below 2 degrees C future12% reduction in GHG emissions in our value chain (scope 3 emissions), reflective of reporting categories 1, 10 and 12