2022 Latin America Projects

Woman painting butterfly on wall in Medellin, Colombia
Medellín, Colombia
Volunteers beautified spaces at the Sagrada Familia Foundation School to transform classrooms, corridors and more, while creating a mural that highlights the importance of loving and caring for the planet through day-to-day activities.
People putting their handprint on a wall with paint in Gravatai, Brazil
Gravataí, Brazil
Volunteers brought color and brightness to 500 students from the Vinicius de Moraes Municipal School, revitalizing 11 classrooms, hallways, a playground, a courtyard and other outdoor spaces.
Woman painting wall yellow in Phinhais, Brazil
Pinhais, Brazil
Our team volunteered to bring vibrant paint colors to the Anísio Teixeira School for 200 kindergarteners. We revitalize seven classrooms, a playground, internal and external facades, and corridors and created a new flowers and vegetables with the help of the children.
men painting wall green in Santiago, Chile
Santiago, Chile
PPG's first project in Santiago, Chile at the Ciudad de Brasilia school served 550 students. 115+ volunteers painted the walls of the courtyard and corridors. A highlight of this project was the nature-themed mural made from a student's drawing.
Volunteers Painting a wall orange in Sumare Brazil
Sumaré, Brazil
At Flora Ferreira Gomes School, 11 classrooms, a sports court, a playground, and external and internal walls were repainted by 100 volunteers. The school's vegetable garden was also renovated with new plants and received an environmental-themed mural.
Volunteers painting a wall green in El Salvador
El Salvador
Partnering with Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, more than 35 PPG volunteers beautified classrooms and learning spaces.
Woman painting a wall green in Guatemala City, Guatemala
Guatemala City, Guatemala
PPG volunteers transformed spaces with vibrant colors for students at Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos to learn and thrive.
Volunteers painting an outside building in Guadalajara, Mexico
Guadalajara, Mexico
Paining indoor and outdoor walls and railings at three buildings, our volunteers provided Ninos y Adolescentes en Armonia with a fresh new start.
Woman painting a wall red in Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico
Transforming a preschool into a fantastic place to learn and play, 35 volunteers worked together to transform playgrounds and classrooms into colorful and engaging spaces.
Colorful Communities volunteer in Ezequiel Montes
Ezequiel Montes, Queretaro, Mexico
PPG employees added fresh, inspiring colors to Proyecto de Vida I.A.P (Life Proyect).